I grew up

My name is Michael Saadi. If you are here, you know what my message to the world is. Meditate. Whether your meditation is sitting down, or creating art, the goal is just to bring our attention inward. 
Through the content I create, my intention is to bring you back into yourself. 
Beyond the inner critics voice, beyond the fear, beyond all of the doubt.
There is a space inside of us that is pure. It is happy and at peace.
I spent a large portion of my early life being dominated by fear. 
Thankfully, I found teachers in my life who guided me out of fear, and into love. 
God willing, my content will do the same for you. 
The easiest ways to support this work is to purchase a print, or a book ( when I write it) . If money is tight, just subscribe and share ;). Much Love. 

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