You Can’t Grow Until You Face This

90% of my growth happened after I learned to quiet my mind.
I grew more in four years than I did in the 25 years before that.

I've become:

  • Happier

  • More financially successful

  • Surrounded by real, meaningful friendships

  • Someone who achieves goals I never thought possible

But it wasn’t as simple as just “quieting my mind.” To truly grow, I had to explore and work through my shadow side.

The Role of Meditation in Growth

For me, meditation is anything that clears out my mind.
No, I’m not talking about numbing your mind.

For example, mindlessly scrolling social media while lying on the couch? That’s not rest.

I’m talking about actual rest—intentional stillness that allows your mind to reset:

  • Taking a walk

  • Sitting quietly for 15 minutes with no stimulus

  • Taking a warm shower

  • Lying down with your eyes closed

These mindful activities help me quiet my mind. But let’s be real—it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. Reclaiming your peace requires effort.

Over the years, we've accumulated countless thoughts, beliefs, and habits—many of them toxic. When you start to notice and release them, they fight back.

When you quiet your mind, you shine a light on your shadow self.

Exploring the Shadow Self

I had so many false beliefs buried deep in my mind—beliefs I didn’t even know existed. They were like poison in my system, slowly killing me.

I would feel angry, confused, and scared without knowing why.

But as I learned to sit quietly, I became aware of the thoughts that were constantly playing in the background. I realized I had been holding on to old, self-limiting beliefs.

Reaching this point is a huge blessing.

Grace & Transformation

By the grace of God, I was led to meditation. I found spiritual teachers who helped me recognize the mental patterns holding me back. They also taught me simple techniques to break their power.

(I’ll share more about those techniques soon.)

The truth is, you may not even know what’s buried in your subconscious. Most people are afraid to explore it. But if you want to become the best version of yourself, you don’t just have to explore it—you have to embrace it.

You have to go straight into the eye of the storm.

The Key to Winning

As these old emotions, beliefs, and thoughts surface, you’ll feel unsettled. Your grandmother’s critical voice, the shame your parents unknowingly passed down, the doubts that have lived in your mind for years—all of it will come up.

It will be uncomfortable. But remember: on the other side of discomfort is the happiest, most peaceful version of yourself.

My guru always says:
"When you feel the fire of a detox coming up, say thank you."

This is a blessing—if you see it the right way.

Embrace the discomfort. Sit with it. Allow it. It’s helping you.

As these emotions rise, stay detached. Be a witness to your thoughts instead of getting lost in them. This is the key to making it through.

With time, you’ll master the ability to bring your mind back into serene silence. That silence will become your normal state.

But that doesn’t mean you can become complacent. In fact, the opposite is true.

Your Mind is a Garden

Your mind is like a garden—it needs care, attention, and maintenance.

  • Tend to the soil.

  • Make sure it has nutrients.

  • Pull out the weeds.

  • Plant strong, healthy seeds.

  • Keep it clean and accessible.

If you do this, your mind will nourish you for the rest of your life.

A Quiet Mind Leads to Clarity

Starting a business? Quiet your mind.
Making a big decision? Quiet your mind.
Having a tough conversation? Quiet your mind.

A quiet mind provides the clarity you need to move forward.

As you get used to being still, you’ll experience the beauty and joy of inner peace. You’ll rely less on external things for happiness because your happiness will come from within.

Meditation benefits your mind, body, and spirit.

If this resonates with you, you’re already in a beautiful place.

I’m planning to set up some weekly virtual meetings—if you’re interested, send me a message!

Much love,


The Only Way Out Of Pain Is Through