Your Goals Are Just Signals—The Universe Is Leading You Somewhere Bigger

Goals don’t always manifest as things on a vision board. They can emerge as impulses from the universe. Sometimes, you may not even know what the goal actually is. You might take micro-steps toward something and only realize its true purpose at the finish line.

For example, you may feel a strong urge to cut spending and start saving money. Years later, you might come across your dream home—coincidentally, you have just enough saved to buy it.

For me, I started a photography business in my early 20s. Now, I realize that my true goal was to create a life with a flexible schedule where money wasn’t a constant worry.

The reason I’m sharing this is to remind you that goals are not always clear upfront.

Two Types of Goals

There are two types of goals: personal goals and universal goals. I call them personal goals, but that doesn’t mean they are insignificant. In fact, personal goals can evolve into universal ones over time.

You might have a personal goal to lose weight or post content daily to generate income. At first glance, these seem self-serving, but they can manifest into something much larger. You may become a leader in fitness, inspiring thousands to transform their lives. Or your content may shift the life paths of many people in ways you never anticipated.

The key is to be graceful with your goals. Even if a goal seems superficial—like buying a luxury car or attracting attention—it can still lead to valuable lessons.

For example, you might achieve that personal goal, realize it doesn’t bring fulfillment, and then go on to teach millions from your experience. Or you may find that it truly makes you happy. Either way, the journey serves a purpose.

As long as your goals aren’t set with the intention to harm, follow them. They have much to teach you.

Which Goals Should You Follow?

We all have different energies within us, pulling us in multiple directions. So, how do we know which goals to pursue?

Which path leads to grace? Which path leads to harm?

These are questions all humans ask—whether consciously or not. The answers become clearer as we strengthen our connection to our source.

Through meditative practices, we can learn which thoughts to follow and which to let go. We won’t always make the right decision, but that’s okay—it’s all part of our growth.

If you’re looking for a practical approach, try this:

  • Sit down and ask yourself:

    • What do I want my life to look like?

    • What kind of person do I want to be?

    • What are some things I don’t want in my life?

Even if the answers aren’t clear, trust that the universe will guide you in the right direction at the right time. Your only “job” is to stay quiet enough to hear its instructions.

Taking Action on Your Goals

The universe doesn’t just drop you off at the start of your journey and meet you at the finish line. It walks with you every step of the way.

If you ever feel lost or unsure of your next move, don’t force an answer. Instead, meditate, take a walk, or step away from the goal for a moment. The answer will come.

The universe will support your goal. People will unexpectedly appear on your path to help you—don’t let pride or ego deny this help. Embrace it with humility.

There’s no singular “winner” when it comes to universal goals. There is only the universe. We are lucky to be part of its unfolding story, to sing its song and dance its dance.

The Power of Surrender

Surrender is a powerful tool. When working toward goals, we must release attachment to the outcome. The more we surrender, the more things flow effortlessly.

Some goals take 20 minutes; others take 10 years. For long-term goals, there will be intense periods of progress followed by times where it feels like nothing is moving. Don’t let this discourage you—it’s simply the natural ebb and flow of life.

When you feel the need to pause and rest, honor that impulse. For me, it’s often a sign that my ego has taken over and I need to realign with the cosmic flow. There’s no judgment in this—only love.

Some Goals Are Not Meant to Be Finished

This is an unpopular opinion in our culture, but it’s true. The universe may place an impulse in you to start something—not for the reason you think, but for a deeper purpose.

I’ve learned this firsthand with my digital marketing company. Initially, we set out to create organic content for businesses. Then, we shifted to creating both organic and paid ads. Later, we realized we only wanted to create ads. Now, we’re considering pivoting again.

Each pivot has led to greater financial success and happiness. If we had clung rigidly to our original goal, we’d be worse off.

Many people trap themselves within the goals they set. This is a huge mistake.

We are spiritual beings without fixed shapes. Limitations should act as gentle guides—not barriers that confine us. Be open to your goals evolving.

Final Thoughts

Be wary of laziness and complacency—these can poison your progress.

If you have a strong personal desire, allow space for the universe to shape it. It will only make it better.

Open your heart and mind fully to the source. Let it guide you through life. It is your best friend, a loving parent, and your ultimate teacher.

Thank you for reading.

Bless you.


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